Frozen with Love is a video class produced to help the leader who would be in charge of hosting a homemaking class about Freezer Meals. Of course an individual could also learn about Freezer meals by watching this video too.
When showing the video to a class or group of people it saves the leader preparation time and saves money because you don’t have to purchase supplies to demonstrate and teach the class. First let me explain the flow of the class and then afterwards I will help the leader prepare to hold the class.
Start the Class by Serving a Hot Drink
We start the Frozen with Love class by having the participants pick up a hot Caramel Apple Spice Drink and take it onto the class.
This recipe is similar to the Caramel Apple Spice Drink that Starbucks offers on their menu. If you don’t want to make the Cinnamon Dolce Syrup you can buy a 1 liter container of syrup at Starbucks, they also offer the syrup in a sugar free version. I usually buy one sugar free syrup so we can make the participants with diabetes a special drink.

- ½ cup white sugar
- ½ cup brown sugar, packed in measuring cup
- 2 Tablespoons flour
- ½ Tsp cinnamon
- 1 cup water
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- Additional Ingredients for the Caramel Apple Spice Drink
- 64 oz. 100% pure apple juice
- Canned whipped topping
- Caramel topping
- In a small pot mix together sugars, flour and cinnamon. Stir in water.
- Bring to a light boil over medium heat and boil for 2 minutes or until syrup thickens.
- Remove from heat and let cool. Add in vanilla extract. (Syrup will thicken more as it cools).
- Additional Ingredients for the Caramel Apple Spice Drink
- oz. 100% pure apple juice
- Canned whipped topping
- Caramel topping
- Pour Cinnamon Dolce Syrup into a slow cooker with 64 Ounces apple juice. Heat mixture on high until warm enough to drink and then turn slow cooker on warm. Be sure to stir the cider before serving drink.
- Another option is to place syrup into a syrup dispenser to be added to each individual cup when hot apple juice is added.
- Put apple juice in cup and top with canned whipped cream and drizzled with caramel topping.
- For a sugar free alternative Star Bucks sells the Sugar Free Cinnamon Dolce Syrup. You can also find sugar free Caramel. I wasn’t able to locate sugar free whipped topping in a can but Cool Whip brand has a sugar free version in the freezer section.
Give Participants a Handout
As the participants go into class with their hot Apple Spice Drink give them a copy of the handout. This handout has 7 pages and follows along with the video class. To learn more about the handout click below to read more.
Frozen with Love Handout about Freezer Meals
Start the Video Class
The video class lasts 39 minutes. We usually put the Freezer Apple Crisp recipe into bake while the video is playing. The wonderful smell fills the air around the time we are talking about making recipes at harvest time, which is also when we demonstrate how to make the Apple Crisp. If you don’t want to make apple crisp another suggestion is to make heart shaped cookies to pass out at the end of the class while we are talking about giving freezer meals for service. These refreshments were planned so that participants would feel a part of the video class.
Apple Crisp Recipe to serve in class
View the video that is played in the class
The Video Class Teaches:
- Making freezer meals saves time and money. One idea that we introduce is using some dehydrated ingredients and buying ingredients in bulk.
- How to pick the right freezer recipe. We also discuss a popular subject about making freezer meals that can be thrown into the slow cooker. We talk about preparing the food property and discuss blanching or buying vegetables that are already frozen.
- Some recipes call for canned vegetables but we teach to leave those items in the food storage until cooking day in case the power goes out and you lose your freezer meals.
- Learn how to package freezer meals to have a longer freezer life. We also teach about the Foodsaver and give demonstrations. We show how to freeze a soup with a Foodsaver.
- Label the bag or container the meal is to be frozen in.
- We discuss making recipes ahead of time for a large group 1) You can make extras a couple of days before the meal and then leftovers can be frozen. or 2) you can make the recipe months ahead of time, freeze it and then the day before the meal thaw the recipe.
- Making freezer recipes at harvest time.
- We talk about giving service by giving freezer meals to people in need.
Rent or Buy the Video Class
1 time view is the cheapest way to view the class
We priced the 1 time view half of the amount of renting the video on Amazon (which is also a one time view). You can purchase the 1 time view so you can watch the video to make sure you want to do this class for a group of people and then when you purchase the poster/invite file to prepare for the class you will get a 1 time view for free that you can show the class.
Video on Amazon Prime
You can watch the trailer to see some of the class video. You can rent the video or purchase the download.
Purchase the files on a USB Drive
We are also offer this class on a 16 GB USB Drive. The video class is in HD – MP4 format and you would need to have a software on your computer like Windows Media Player to play the video. You can also plug in the USB drive into a smart TV. The Poster/invitation file is included along with the handout file which includes the two recipes that we serve in class. All files are printable to make this class easy for you organize. This USB drive can only be shipped within the USA and the shipping is free and included in the purchase price
Frozen with Love – USB Flash Drive
Preparing for the Class
You need to prepare for this class at least a month in advance so that you can advertise the class. If you are an instructor of the homemaking classes you will appreciate this printable file for advertising the class. This file is in Word format so you can customize the date and time of your class. You can then print the poster and invitations. Click on the link below to read more about this file.
Frozen with Love Class Poster and Invite
Click on this webpage link to see how to make the Poster. How to make the Poster
Links to our Freezer Recipes
Apple Crisp recipe to serve in class
Pumpkin Cake Roll
Butternut Squash Soup
Make Ahead Mashed Potatoes
Smokin Good Chili
Submit your review | |
I made the Northern Ham and Bean soup during the storm today, it was yummy! So very Good!!
Thanks, This is one of my favorite freezer recipes!
Great Job! I watched the video on amazon, so impressive. Excited to see more
Wonderful class! I love your recipes and tips! I also loved you including family --- especially your cookie helper!💕 You are so talented, skilled, and such a great teacher! Congratulations!
I just watched the video and it is amazing. It was very touching how you included family members. You're so talented
I’m grateful for Homemaking Divas carmel apple spice cider! Great recipe thanks!!