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Advertise Activities and Classes

Advertising Activities & Classes

Its best to start advertising classes about a month before the class.  Some groups have a monthly newsletter they can put an announcement in, and some groups have a facebook group where they can post the details about the upcoming activity.  This webpage is about the invitations, fliers, signup sheets and […]

Frozen with Love - Freezer Meals

Frozen With Love – Freezer Meal Class

Frozen with Love is a video class produced to help the leader who would be in charge of hosting a homemaking class about Freezer Meals.   Of course an individual could also learn about Freezer meals by watching this video too.  When showing the video to a class or group of people it […]

Witchy Treats

Bewitching Halloween Treats

Beware! Your taste buds and witching imagination are sure to fly with eclectic Halloween Treat recipes and holiday ideas. Spice up your Witchy activities with the creative Halloween treat ideas that are easy to prepare in advance. Plan a party with your girlfriends, watch the fun Bewitching Video and then […]

Cleaning Class

This cleaning class helps women of all ages.  The young gals like this class because they can save a lot of money on cleaning products and the recipes do not use harsh chemicals.  The participants learn about “Green Cleaning” and recipes taught are better for sensitive skin and for the […]

Planning Additional Relief Society Meetings

Helpful tips on how to plan additional Relief Society Meeting that are not held on Sunday In the Relief Society section of the “Handbook 2: Administering the Church” it says – a sister may be called to help the Relief Society presidency coordinate the planning of Relief Society meetings that […]