Have an Extraordinary Relief Society by holding a Super Service Soiree This activity is a fun Relief Society Birthday Party or Activity At the first meeting of the Relief Society, President Emma Smith stated, with no small amount of vision: “We are going to do something extraordinary.” What has transpired […]
Relief Society
Advertising Activities & Classes
Its best to start advertising classes about a month before the class. Some groups have a monthly newsletter they can put an announcement in, and some groups have a facebook group where they can post the details about the upcoming activity. This webpage is about the invitations, fliers, signup sheets and […]
Frozen With Love – Freezer Meal Class
Frozen with Love is a video class produced to help the leader who would be in charge of hosting a homemaking class about Freezer Meals. Of course an individual could also learn about Freezer meals by watching this video too. When showing the video to a class or group of people it […]
Bewitching in the Kitchen – Winter Skin Care
Bewitching in the kitchen is a class that teach serums and potions that are great to make around Halloween time. The class is about winter skin care recipes that use natural ingredients such as Witch Hazel, Aloe Vera, Coconut Oil and Calendula Oil. We teach about these amazing ingredients and […]
Relief Society Service Projects
The Relief Society is the organization in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints where women come together to strengthen, serve, and teach each other. It’s Motto is “Charity Never Faileth” which women of the Church live by to bring relief to the weary and down trodden. The […]
Relief Society Super Saturday Activities
All of the activities listed are great to do for a Relief Society Super Saturday or a Midweek Activity. Some of the activities offer an inexpensive kit that can be purchased saving the Relief Society leaders time and save participants money. Smart Gloves When our fingers meet the touchscreen on […]
Planning Additional Relief Society Meetings
Helpful tips on how to plan additional Relief Society Meeting that are not held on Sunday In the Relief Society section of the “Handbook 2: Administering the Church” it says – a sister may be called to help the Relief Society presidency coordinate the planning of Relief Society meetings that […]