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Advertise Activities and Classes

Advertising Activities & Classes

Its best to start advertising classes about a month before the class.  Some groups have a monthly newsletter they can put an announcement in, and some groups have a facebook group where they can post the details about the upcoming activity.  This webpage is about the invitations, fliers, signup sheets and posters that match the classes and activities on the Homemaking Divas website.   

If you click on the picture of the white board it will take you to the Amazon product page  

The posters are designed to be placed on a 17” x 23” Dry Erase Board. They can be found on Amazon or at Michaels Craft. I like to use these white boards because they are inexpensive and you can tape the pictures and borders to them and then reuse the board to advertise other activities.

You can get coupons for Michaels Craft Stores by clicking on this link Michaels Crafts   Take the coupon to purchase the white board.  I bought my 3 boards one at a time as I could use a 50% off coupon on each of them.

All posters on this website are designed to fit this size board.  The file comes as PDF format or in Word Format with instructions.   All you do is print the file using a color printer or have the copy store print the pages for you. You cut around the pictures and borders and tape them to the white board.  If you are using a poster board you can use a glue stick to attached the pictures.   The files are designed to use a white background so when I cut around the pictures I usually don’t cut on the edges and I leave some white paper around the picture so that its easier to trim. 

When you receive the printable file it will be in Word format so that you can customize the date and location of the activity.  The file comes with instructions to help you do this.   you will then print the file on a color printer or have the copy store print the pages.   When I am using a white board I like to laminate the pictures and border pieces so that I can use them again.  See the video as an example how to make the posters on the white boards

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